Transcendence was recently mentioned in this post.

Phantasm (guitarist) and Putrefaction (vocalist) answered these questions.

1. Towards Obscurities Beyond is an exceptional album, how has the response been so far?

When we were recording this album we had no idea what people would think of it, considering our style seems to be something most people aren’t into these days. But so far we’ve gotten positive reviews and overall people seem to really enjoy it. 

2. Your sound is really quite unique, how would you describe it?

Towards Obscurities Beyond is a collection of our work from 2015 to 2019. It is our search for an evil yet melodic sound that we could call our own. The metal of death in our vision has been found and is currently being expanded on.

3. It’s a cliched question, but who are your main influences?

Well of course we all have our own personal tastes, though as a band we’ve come together for our love of old school Scandinavian death and black metal and hatred for religion and modern music.

4. How did you guys get together?

Transcendence was formed in 2012 under the name Annihilation by guitarist Miguel and three now-ex members currently in Insineratehymn. In early 2013 Tom joined the band, the name change occurred, and two demos were recorded. The rhythm section and second guitarist were gone by 2016, and we soon had the line-up we have now.

5. Could you talk a little about the band’s lyrical content?

Our lyrics all tell their own twisted tales of death, the occult, afterlife and everything in between. The content of our lyrics are derived from numerous sources of morbidity. 

6. Who did the artwork for the album? It's excellent.

The album cover was created by Adam Burke at Nightjar Illustration.

7. Do you have any future plans that you can share with us?

Currently we have three new songs completed and a few others in progress. “Thy Glorious Decimation”, “Adversarial Light” and some others that are unnamed. Possibly a split or rehearsal demo in the near future, before our second album. We look forward to decimating stages wherever possible when this pandemic finally meets its end. 

More interviews: Beast Of RevelationWorm / Frozen Soul / Sanguisugabogg / Darkened / Void Rot / Malignant Altar / Graceless / Necronomicon / Antichrist / Dysylumn / Evoken / Ov Shadows / Morast / Assumption / Scour / Spectral Voice / Morta Skuld / Solothus / Memoriam / Ataraxy / Soulskinner / Necrot

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