Interview - MEMORIAM

If you don't know Memoriam, see here first.

This interview is with legendary drummer Andy Whale, who played in Bolt Thrower from 1986 until 1994.

1. For the Fallen was was one of the best death albums of 2017, how has the response been?

If we are honest it took us by surprise really. Yes, we have a been in successful bands over the years, but we decided to do something new with Memoriam. We knew the songs were good, but that means nothing really, it's what the people who buy the record think that really matters. We were totally surprised when people put it in their best albums of 2017.

2. With the bar set so high, did you feel a lot of pressure going into this one?

I would be lying if I said no. For me recording and releasing a new album is a bit stressful. You try and make the best album you can, it's something very personal in a way. Then you put it out there for people to either like it or criticise it.

3. It’s out on 23rd March, almost exactly a year after For the Fallen, how did you manage to deliver another album so quickly?

We already had a lot of ideas, we had been working on it the since the first album was released. We already have a few ideas for the third album, it's just the way the band works.

4. What can we expect from the new album (as compared to your debut, or in general)?

We have tried to move the band forward, we have tried some new ideas, but still keeping that old school sound. Lyrically it's an angrier album. The subject matter covers social issues happening in the world today, war and loss.

5. Dan Seagrave’s covers for both albums are outstanding, what (if any) input did the band have where those were concerned?

We have a lot of input with the album covers. We give Dan a rough idea of what we'd like, and he sends a rough set of ideas/sketches. We then give him any feedback, things we'd like to change, and he does his magic. Both album covers have been amazing.

6. Will you be doing much touring in support of The Silent Vigil?

We will be playing shows in 2018. What with family and work commitments, we don't see ourselves doing tours. We tend to do the odd festival, followed by long weekends of club shows. Last year we did twenty shows, that will probably be the case in 2018.

7. Do you have any other future plans that you can share with us?

More shows, more new tracks, it's what we like doing.