Rothadás - Töviskert... A Kísértés Örök Érzete... Lidércharang [Forthcoming Release]

The first Rothadás album was high on our 2021 top ten list, and the demo before it was also great.
This new full-length is out on 21st March, with Me Saco Un Ojo delivering the vinyl release and Pulverised handling the CD.
Google Translate tells us that the (Hungarian) title translates to "Thorn Garden... The Eternal Sense Of Temptation... Nightmare Bell"; and that "Rothadás" means "Rot".
...which is appropriately uncheerful, given that these guys are a death-doom band. We can't wait for this one, anyway.
Pre-orders go up tomorrow, and you can listen to a teaser track below.