More Recommended Metal YouTubers

Part one is here.

Five more recommendations are below.

The Rageaholic - His Metal Mythos series, running for seven years now, is pure gold. It tends to focus on classic and black metal bands. Whether you share his tastes/opinions or not, nobody could deny that he is both articulate and entertaining.

The Dark Path - Only six months on the clock, but you would never be able to tell that from watching Matt - his delivery is beyond solid. Extremely watchable stuff. He mostly covers extreme metal, but has quite eclectic tastes.

Full Metal Ginger - Kevin has three years of making videos under his belt. He's very likeable, and humble; and also pretty funny. Another for those who enjoy extreme metal, many enjoyable hours of viewing to be had here.

Marc G With A C - A fairly new channel, from a British guy that has been involved with the scene for a long time. Mainly content about death and thrash metal, but some more traditional metal as well. Well worth checking.

Rob Doran - This channel has been running for seven years, but has been inactive for nine months now - hence its placement at the bottom of the list. One for fans of classic and death metal vinyl here, from another British chap.

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