
Showing posts from December, 2018

Under the Radar - NECROFIER

Necrofier is unlikely to remain under the radar for long. Melodic-but-heavy black metal that will keep you coming back for more. The project features members of Oceans of Slumber and Venomous Maximus; along with the drummer from War Master and Insect Warfare, amongst other bands. The Texans' first offering is a powerful, cohesive, well-produced EP called Visions In Fire. You can download the release, or pre-order a cassette copy, via  Bandcamp . This impressive debut can also be previewed in its entirety below. Roll on their full-length, which is said to be in the works.

Recommended Metal YouTubers

Ten of the best, in no particular order. Brainsmasher  - Vocalist, reviewer, has been involved with labels... and he has been posting videos about his sizable collection for around 2.5 years. Aside from being highly entertaining, Ben will also turn you on to some great metal. Justin Stubbs  - Sings and plays in Father Befouled (among other bands), graphic designer, started YouTubing about his collection earlier this year. Articulate delivery, and worthwhile commentary. One for fans of blackened metal in particular. Marty Worm  - Runs Bindrune Recordings, has been on YouTube for more than three years now. Extremely knowledgeable, and he has eclectic tastes so his channel is recommended regardless of which sub-genres you prefer. GroundZero Salem  - Speaking of eclectic, this 1.5 year old channel is also recommended to anyone; although what sets it apart from the others featured in the post is probably the extensive coverage of hardcore/punk. He's a very ...

Dead Metal 2018 Top Ten

01  Evoken - Hypnagogia  (Profound Lore) 02  Dysylumn - Occultation  (Egregor) 03  Ov Shadows - The Darkness Between Stars  (Black Market) 04  1914 - The Blind Leading The Blind  (Redefining Darkness/Archaic) 05  Monstrosity - The Passage Of Existence  (Metal Blade) 06  Memoriam - The Silent Vigil  (Nuclear Blast) 07  Assumption - Absconditus  (Everlasting Spew/Sentient Ruin) 08  Ataraxy - Where All Hope Fades  (Dark Descent/Me Saco Un Ojo) 09 Hostil - Infernal Rites  (Not On Label) 10  Void Rot - Consumed By Oblivion  (Everlasting Spew/Sentient Ruin) *edit* Antichrist - Pax Moriendi  and  Deicide - Overtures Of Blasphemy should have made this list