Interview - NECROT

If you don't already know Necrot, then see here first.

The band's drummer, Chad Gailey, kindly took the time to answer a few questions for us.

1. Blood Offerings has received such high praise, and it made so many end-of-year lists... rightly so, but then great music doesn’t always get the audience or acclaim it deserves - so you must be very pleased?

We are extremely pleased with the attention the record received this past year and up until now. We are thankful so many people bought and listened to the album and LIKED it.

2. How did you guys get together, and have you been together for long?

Luca Indrio and I formed the band in 2011 with Kyle House from Acephalix. Kyle left pretty early on and we didn’t complete the lineup again until 2012 when Sonny Reinhardt joined. 

3. Could you tell us about any of your previous bands (assuming you have previous bands)?

I was in a band called Bruxers from 2006-2012 before I helped form Necrot. I have also played in Vastum, Rude, and Caffa. Luca has always been in Acephalix and Vastum. He formed Lawless in 2012 with Dave Benson and Kyle from Acephalix but they only released a demo tape. Sonny plays in Saviours and was previously in Word Salad, Watch Them Die, and Vomblast. 

4. It’s a clichéd question, but who are your main influences (if indeed you feel you have influences)?

Nihilist, Immolation, Sepultura, Death, Bolt Thrower, Motörhead, Discharge, Slayer.

5. Who did the artwork for Blood Offerings? It’s outstanding.

Marald Van Haasteren. He’s an amazing artist and I’m so happy he did the cover for the album. 

6. Do you have any future plans which you can share with us?

We are touring Europe this September for a month and playing some festivals throughout the year.

7. Is there any chance you’ll be playing in the UK any time soon?

We will be in the UK in September!

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