Interview - DYSYLUMN
If you're unfamiliar with Dysylumn, see here first. This interview is with Sébastien Besson, the band's vocalist and guitarist. 1. Occulation is one of the best albums of 2018, how has the response been so far? We did everything possible to have the new album released in digipak before the Ravenous Altar Festival event (Cult of Fire, Grave Miasma, Grave Desecrator, Throane, Serpent Luminis and us), and the bet was successful! We had a lot of positive feedback about the album. For the moment few reviews, but it has been uploaded to the Odium Nostrum YouTube channel which has given us a huge visibility. 2. How would you describe your sound? I think that our sound is very heavy, almost monolithic at times. But at the same time it is very spatial, aerial and dissonant. 3. Could you talk a little about your lyrical content? The lyrical content is about cosmogony, the abstract universe, chaos, nightmares, and hallucinations. Lyrics are written cyclically, the en...